What is XML binding?
"Answering a question about operation on the web (also closing an earlier action item from the [redacted] visit), [redacted] explained that use of an XML binding will enable us to use STEP files on the web. Several team members from industry are currently doing this. To be completely accurate, according to STEP part 28, since Express is the only language complex enough to handle the hierarchical structure of the 3-D Model, we need to use an XML binding on an Express based model."What is XML binding?
Partial answer:
Use XML data binding to do your laundry
Explore JAXB and Castor from the ground up
By Sam Brodkin
The double buzz phrase "Java and XML" has been in the spotlight for a while now. Many programmers have realized that by using XML as a data format, they can make both their Java programs and their data cross-platform. These same programmers have also experienced severe headaches while writing and maintaining XML parsing and attribute validation code. Recent innovations in XML data binding, or mapping XML documents to Java objects, provide the headache remedy. XML data binding lets you seamlessly program with normal Java objects that represent your XML documents. This is much more luxurious than writing that grueling XML parsing code. What's more, instead of your Java program, a DTD (document type definition) or an XML Schema can maintain all your data validation rules. Think lazy: this validation stuff could become the responsibility of the XML expert in your office -- and not of the overworked Java programmer. In this article, Sam Brodkin walks you through two frameworks for generating Java classes automatically from XML data constraints: Sun's Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) and Castor from the Exolab Group. Then he shows you how easy it is to use these classes in a test program that washes his socks. (2,800 words; December 28, 2001)
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